Spice FAQ is a powerful plugin which lets you display beautiful looking faqs on your wordpress website. Here is a step by step guide to creating your first faq with the Spice FAQ plugin.
1.Creating a FAQ
Spice FAQ creates a faq custom post type. So the first step is to create the faq’s. The interface for creating a faq is very simple, it is similar to creating a post or a page.
2. FAQ Category
By default, all faq are associated with the category “Default”. You can create multiple categories and assign faq under different categories.
3. Embedding the FAQ
Simply use the shortcode [spice-faq] shortcode to embed the FAQ in any page or a post. The default look is an accordion style faq with collapsible panels.
Future Roadmap.
We have a lot of features planned for the plugin. Some of them are, displaying faq based on category, customizing the default look , support for custom css etc. We will be adding features based on user feedback.